All frames completed and ready to be blocked up on the jig. |
Things have been moving at a pretty fair clip in boat land. I have had some time off so I have been doing as much as I can. I finished all of the rib elements in the garage since it rained for about six days straight, but I am now officially all moved out to the backyard now since there is not really any more fabrication to be done that I can do inside. As far as outside goes I have been having some trouble finding a level area for the strong back jig, and had to settle for shimming everything into place and then weighting down the feet so everything is steady. The good news is that the whole thing is solid as a rock, the bad is it is still slightly uneven (but it is all uneven in the same fashion so I should be able to just align all the elements along the same plane). Also in the mean time I have spaced out and blocked up all of the rib sections to their respective place on the boat. One cool side note is that, one evening when it rained I put a tarp over the jig with the ribs on the blocks and the tarp formed to the rough shape of the boat so I got to a little preview of what it will look like. Needless to say I was pretty freakin stoked to see what my boat is going to look like.
Notching frames to accept the keelson. |
Up next I have still more framing to do. One thing is to complete the stern two rib framing. These two frames are attached to the transom via well gussets, an outboard doubler and a motor mount. This basically a box of 2x12 that sits inside the boat which the frames are attached to, but also provides a kind of protected area for gas cans and batteries if I want to put a motor on the back someday. After I put the stern together I need to attach the stem and then I will be ready for the keelson. I got a pretty good deal on an 18 foot 2x6 for the job at a local lumber yard so I have my choice within a couple of feet of what section to use. First thing that needs to happen before I attach the 2x6 is that I need to put together a steam box in which I will steam the plank so that it forms the severe bend of the hull shape. This was kind of an expense I was hoping to avoid but do not have much of a choice after looking at how much the keelson and other longitudinal elements have to bend. Well, like I said this was just a quicky update on progress, thanks for reading catch you next time.
Some of the frames notched. |
All of the frames notched. |
A cationary picture. MEASURE TWICE CUT ONCE!! I had to remake this rib because I cut too deep witht he jigsaw. DOH! |