Friday, March 4, 2011

A quick update after a rather long day.

The newest piece of plywood to be hung.  

              Today I shaped some more of the framing and hung another piece of plywood.  For those of you counting, this brings me up to about 3/4’s the way done with putting plywood on the sides of the boat.  All I really have to do is hang two more sheets on either side of the bow and then I can start hanging plywood on the bottom, but believe me I don’t think that will be as easy as it sounds.  I am still running into a few rough spots as I shape the frames out, and I think the bow/stem will be the toughest of all because of the more awkward bends created by the high arc at the front of the boat.  But I go confidently into the future with my head held high and assurance that I can defeat any problem laid before me….I think…hope....maybe…
Just another angle of the plywood I hung today.
              On a different note, I think the paint I need is going to be easier to find than I originally intended.  I have read that all I need is epoxy paint, but have not been able to find any paint called ‘epoxy paint’ but I think it is just labeled as ‘concrete’ paint at the Home Depot.  This will be nice if I don’t have to spend a butt load of money at places like West Marine where stuff is ridiculously over-priced.
Looking down into the boat from what will eventually be the
bottom of the hull (it is upside down right now).  
              I am sketching out a layout for the interior of my boat which I will be posting when I am finished so keep an eye out and let me know what you think about it.  I am mostly concerned with the placement of the oar locks and rowing bench, specifically what will be the most efficient spot to row from.  My guess is to put the oar locks at the widest part of the boat and place the bench at the spot where at rest my elbows would be at ninety degrees with the oars straight out at a 90 degree angle from the boat.  But that is just a guess.  Enjoy the pics, check back soon for more posts.

First view of the interior of the boat!
Again everything is upside down right now,
so just flip everything in your head and you will
get a better picture. (this will eventually be the starboard side)

Just a wider view of the port interior. (and some of the messy epoxy drips)
Another view of the interior, this is the port side of the boat.

Looking down the bow along the keelson along the bottom of the hull.

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